Ajrumiyyah - Arabic Grammar

Fazal Ali

  • Overview
  • Curricculum
  • Mentor

Course Description

The art of grammar is one of the essential pillars of effective communication. To fully appreciate the splendour and persuasive power of the Qurʿān, as well as it’s rich rhetorical tradition, a solid understanding of Arabic grammar is essential.

This course provides an introduction to the different sciences of Arabic as well as an overview of Arabic Grammar.

These lessons are based on the book Al-Ājurrūmīyyah, written by the 13th-century scholar Muhammad ibn Da’ud as-Sanhaji. This book is widely regarded as the seminal text for newcomers to the Arabic language.

What You'll Learn

In this course, we will complete the full book in ten 90-minute sessions. We will cover the foundational aspects of grammar, including parts of speech, syntax and sentence construction. These lessons are suitable for beginners who have basic reading ability.

Course timings

Classes will begin on Saturday 16th September 2023.

New York: 12.30 pm
Toronto: 12.30 pm
London: 5.30 pm
Istanbul: 7.30 pm
Cape Town: 6.30 pm
Makkah: 8.30 pm
Abu Dhabi: 8.30 pm
Kuala Lumpur: 12.30 am (+1)
Sydney: 2.30 am (+1)

Lesson 1
- An Introduction to the Science, Author, and Text
- Defining Kalam (Speech)

Lesson 2
- Parts of Kalam (Speech)
- Signs of Kalam (Speech)
- Signs of the Ism (Noun)
- Signs of the Fi’l (Verbs)
- Signs of the Harf (Particles)

Lesson 3
- ‘Irab (Inflection)
- Defining ‘Irab (Inflection)
- Parts of ‘Irab (Inflection)
- Recognizing the Signs of ‘Irab (Inflection)
- Signs of Raf’ (Nominative Case)
- Signs of Nasb (Subjunctive/Accusative Case)

Lesson 4
- Signs of Khafd (Genitive Case)
- Signs of Jazm (Jussive Case)
- Mu’rabat (Inflected Words)
- Af’al (Verbs)

Lesson 5
- Marfu’at (Nominative Cases)
- Fa’il (Subject-Agent)
- Maf’ul aladhi lam yusamma fa’iluhu (Object whose Subject is not Named)

Lesson 6
- Mubtada and Khabr (Subject and Predicate)
- ‘Awamil al-dakhila ‘ala Mubtada and Khabr (Agents that Affect the Subject and Predicate)
- Tawabi’ (Appositives)
- N’at (Adjective)
- ‘Atf (Conjunction)

Lesson 7
- Tawkid (Corroborative)
- Badal (Substitutive)
- Mansubat (Subjunctive/Accusative Cases)
- Maf’ul bihi (Direct Object)
- Masdar (Verbal Noun/Absolute Object)

Lesson 8
- Dharf al-Zaman (Time Qualifier)
- Dharf al-Makan (Space Qualifier)
- Hal (Circumstantial Qualifier)
- Tamyiz (Specification)

Lesson 9
- Istithna (Elements of Exception)
- La (No)
- Munada (Vocative)

Lesson 10
- Maf’ul min ajlihi (Object of Reason)
- Maf’ul m’ahu (Object of Accompaniment)
- Makhfudat (Genitive Cases)


Fazal Ali

About Teacher

Fazal has spent well over 10 years both studying and teaching the Arabic language.
Having travelled to Yemen, Turkey and Saudi Arabia in the pursuit of sacred knowledge as well as receiving several ijazaat in a broad range of disciplines, he not only has a wealth of knowledge about about the subject matter, but also an understanding of the subtleties of custom and culture that our students can be sure to benefit from.

Fazal is currently pursuing advanced studies with his teachers online and resides with both his wife and son in vancouver, Canada.


Have any further questions?

Feel free to reach out to our team and we’ll be happy to assist you with any queries you may have